Online PhD Program

PhD in Law

Our PhD in Law program aims to help you pursue your legal career and contribute to legal scholarship. This law degree emphasizes original research, critical analysis of case studies, and seeks to prepare you for careers in academia and legal practice.

Online PhD in Law Research Areas

Pursuing a PhD in Law involves a deep dive into legal research, preparing graduates for a variety of roles in academia, policy development, and legal practice. Our Program offers a rich foundation in legal theory, research methodologies, and interdisciplinary studies, often culminating in a dissertation that contributes to the field of law. The process is rigorous, typically requiring coursework, comprehensive exams, and a significant academic thesis, designed to prepare candidates for the highest levels of scholarly achievement and thought leadership in the legal domain.

Cyber Law and Digital Privacy

When choosing your research project, you may decide to focus on cyber law and digital privacy. You’ll investigate the legal frameworks governing digital privacy and data protection in various jurisdictions. This will involve the study of the implications of emerging technologies, such as AI and IoT, on privacy rights and data security. Additionally, you’ll analyze the effectiveness of international regulations like the GDPR and their impact on global digital privacy standards.

Human Rights and International Law

As a PhD student at our law school, you’ll have the opportunity to examine the role of international law in protecting human rights during conflicts and crises. You’ll integrate your knowledge of legal systems and political science to study the effectiveness of international human rights treaties and their implementation at the national level. This research will involve the analysis of case studies of human rights violations and the role of international courts and tribunals in addressing these issues.

Corporate Governance and Compliance

You could choose to direct your research in this doctoral degree towards corporate governance and compliance. This will involve an investigation into the legal principles underpinning corporate governance and the role of law in promoting corporate accountability. You’ll study the impact of regulatory compliance on corporate behavior, with a focus on anti-corruption laws and financial regulations. This will then allow you to analyze the effectiveness of corporate governance frameworks in preventing corporate scandals and enhancing investor protection.

Environmental Law and Policy

While completing this graduate degree, you may choose to combine your legal research with social sciences in order to examine the legal mechanisms for addressing environmental challenges, such as climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss. This will involve the study of the development and enforcement of environmental regulations at the national and international levels. You’ll analyze the role of environmental law in promoting sustainable development and balancing economic growth with environmental protection.

Intellectual Property Law in the Digital Age

Due to the increasingly online age in which we live, many graduate students who choose to progress to law schools all over the world are choosing to conduct research into intellectual property law in the digital age. As a student of our advanced law degree, you’ll also have the opportunity to investigate the challenges and opportunities presented by digital technologies for intellectual property (IP) law. This will involve the study of the legal frameworks for protecting digital content, software, and innovations in the digital economy, and for you to analyze the impact of IP law on creativity, innovation, and access to digital resources, with a focus on copyright, patents, and trademarks.

Career Opportunities Following a PhD in Law

Graduate students who have completed a PhD in Law will be suitable for a wide range of career opportunities. So, if you’re thinking of enrolling in our online PhD in Law, here are just some of the career goals you could aim for.

Academia and Research

After graduate school, launch a career as a university professor or researcher. Many law graduates choose to work in academia. You may choose to teach law courses at undergraduate and graduate levels, conduct research, publish scholarly articles, and contribute to academic conferences and legal studies. Key skills that will help you in this career path include advanced research capabilities, strong writing and communication skills, and a deep understanding of legal theories and practices.

Legal Consultancy and Advisory

Following a PhD in Law, find work as a legal consultant or advisor. In this role, you’ll provide expert legal advice to corporations, government agencies, NGOs, and other organizations. This will allow you to specialize in areas like intellectual property, human rights, international law, or corporate law. In order to succeed in this career you’ll benefit from improving your analytical thinking, advisory, and problem-solving, as well as developing a strong understanding of specialized legal fields.

Public Policy and Government

Embark on a career as a policy analyst or government official. Contribute to the betterment of society by working within government agencies or think tanks to analyze, develop, and implement policies. You’ll provide legal expertise to shape legislation and regulatory frameworks. Key skills that you will gain during your PhD in Law that will benefit you in this line of work include policy analysis, legal research, understanding of legislative processes, and strategic thinking.

Judiciary and Legal Practice

Launch a career as a judge or senior attorney following a PhD in Law. Work in the criminal justice system by serving as a judge in various courts, or taking up senior positions in legal practice, such as a partner in a law firm or a high-ranking in-house counsel. To succeed in these roles, you'll need to be able to demonstrate legal reasoning, decision-making, extensive legal knowledge, and leadership skills.

International Organizations and NGOs

Find work as a legal officer or human rights advocate following a PhD in Law. Make a difference by working with international bodies like the United Nations, World Bank, or international NGOs to address global legal issues, human rights, environmental law, and more. In order to grow a career in this field, you’ll need to demonstrate expertise in international law, cross-cultural communication, advocacy, and negotiation skills.

PhD in IT Law

What are the benefits of studying a PhD in Law online?

There are numerous benefits to studying a PhD in Law online, including the flexibility to study on a schedule that suits your needs and the ability to apply your learning to an existing career right away. Unlike with traditional campus education, you’ll have the freedom to study anywhere in the world, this not only makes our course more accessible, but it will also provide you with the chance to interact with students whose perspectives differ drastically from your own – thus giving you the chance for a greater understanding of a topic.

How do I know if studying a PhD in Law online is the right choice for me?

PhD in Law programs aren’t the ideal choice for everyone. Graduate programs such as these are time consuming and require a commitment to intensive research. However, if you have already completed a professional degree, such as a master’s degree in Law, and wish to take the research you conducted and knowledge you acquired further, then a PhD in law could be the perfect choice.

What support will I receive while completing my doctoral dissertation?

While completing your PhD in law with us, your faculty advisor offers you support throughout the dissertation process. This includes helping you construct your research proposal and the dissertation itself, as well as offering you advice on defending your dissertation prospectus to the committee of experts.